wheel clamp warranty comparison
updated 2025

China made

Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp

compared to

Australian made

Australian Wheel Clamp

Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp warranty

China made
Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp

Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp

The manufacturer of the China made Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp do not guarantee their wheel clamp.

why no manufacturer guarantee

That is a good question.

We the manufacturer of Australian Wheel Clamp have been manufacturing many different products since 1982 and still do today February 19, 2025. We could tell you why a manufacturer does not give a written guarantee, probably best if we do not put that in writing.


The wheel clamp warranty comparison below and other reviews in this web site only state facts anyone can find if they want to spend their time reading sometimes many web pages about each product.

Instead we have done the reading for you then set out the information in a concise, easy to read format.

the only guarantee for the Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp in Australian

Is the Australian government 6 months minimum mandatory guarantee for all products sold in Australia unless other wise stated.

Australian Wheel Clamp 10 year warranty

We know for a fact the Australian Wheel Clamp will last a life time eg. 25, 50 or 75 years no doubt longer due to the superior materials used to manufacture them and no moving parts but we also know we had to be realistic.

We believe a 10 year guarantee gives purchasers 100% confidence they are buying a high quality security product from a 100% Australian owned business.
buy today
February 19, 2025

the Australian manufacturer
will guarantee it until

February 19, 2035

your choice

China made
Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp
no manufacturer warranty

Marine Security Trailer Wheel Clamp


Australian Wheel Clamp
10 year manufacturer warranty

available in two security options
Enforcer Australian Wheel Clamp
Enforcer Australian Wheel Clamp stops opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlock
security rating
Superior Protection


all opportunistic, smash and grab,
semi professional thieves

cutting chain or breaking a padlock

plus its

quick and simple to fit to and remove from a wheel

Australia made wheel clamp 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved
Supreme Australian Wheel Clamp
Supreme Australian Wheel Clamp stops all methods thieves use to cut chain or break a padlock how, Padlock Protection locking system
security rating
Ultimate Protection

for your towable vehicle



Padlock Protection locking system

plus its

quick and simple to fit to and remove from a wheel

Australia made wheel clamp 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

Australian Wheel Clamp manufacturer direct special offer

Choose which of the two security options you want to purchase.
place your order by March 01, 2025
pay wholesale

free delivery
Australia only

ultimate Australian made security combination

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updated: Wednesday February 19, 2025

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